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What is Platter?

Platter is a collection of branching, serverless resources for modern applications, starting with Postgres. Work with your data through one of our dedicated clients or through a connection string.

Why Should I Use Platter?#

Creating stateful infrastructure like databases is hard. Managing that state across environments (like local dev machines, staging, and production) is harder. Managing that state across features as work moves through each environment on the way to users is almost impossible without a dedicated team of DevOps engineers.

Instead, we at Platter wanted to create resources that exist in a single environment (the cloud), that could be copied or discarded easily along with our feature work (branching), and that integrated with our existing libraries and applications. And most importantly: we wanted to use the tools that we were familiar with (like Postgres, Redis, and Kafka) instead of learning a new and uncommon tool or interface.

Since no other service met those requirements, we built it ourselves, starting with Postgres!

Next Steps#